Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Request for Indemnification, Sony Sued Rp 8.5 Trillion

Users who feel aggrieved by the destruction of services demanded Sony PlayStation Network (PSN). No training while also satisfying-training while also satisfying, they sued the electronics giant's $ 1 billion, equivalent to Rp 8.5 trillion.

The lawsuit is not the first time addressed to Sony. Previously, a user named Kristopher Johns proposed class action to claim damages for the theft of data on PSN.

"We believe that the security system through the fault of Sony's PSN is negligent in maintaining the security of data, incapable of maintaining firewalls, and users do not encrypt data," said Johns.

Now a lawsuit kind of pushed back. This time it came from a Canadian legal institutions, McPhadden Samac Tuovi LLP, led by Natasha Maksimovic. As quoted from GameSpot, Wednesday 94/5/2011).

In a lawsuit aimed at Sony Canada, America and Japan that, Maksimovic describes his disappointment over a number of data pribadiyang digasak hackers.

"If a company the size of Sony just was not to be trusted to keep the data, who else can be trusted? It was clear to me that Sony is more concerned with product rather than the user data security," wrote Maksimovic.

In Canada, there are about 1 million PlayStation 3 gamers who feel cheated data. Well, the value of the proposed compensation was considered a reasonable value for the 'cure' their losses.


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